Gemma has published extensively in trade journals, marketing and business magazines, infosites and forums around the world. She regularly publishes articles explaining how insights from the field of brain science can inform our understanding of marketing communications, how brands really work in consumers’ heads and how to predict human behaviour based on knowledge about human memory, perception and attention.
Don’t Count on Free Trials to Win You Customers.
Everybody loves a freebie. That’s probably why so many start-ups and even well-known brands often use free trials to draw customers’ attention and introduce them to new products. Yet free trials often fail to convert customers to paying ones.
Harvard Business Review
The plot thickens: How brands can integrate into in- game environments and build relationships.
Outlines how well consumers respond to in-game brand interactions.
Psychological stress or growth will determine post- pandemic consumer behaviour.
In the wake of COVID-19, research in the field of cognitive neuroscience may provide some helpful pointers on how consumer behaviour will evolve.
Re-evaluating iconic brand assets in a post-pandemic world.
Distinctive brand assets have a powerful role to play in ensuring top-of-mind recall with consumers – but in a world changed by COVID-19, a strategic reassessment of assets is needed.
Online reviews: Trick that sways consumers
Research reveals how the brain works to trust the advice from total strangers.
The Business Times
Asian beauty market projected to be worth US$170b by 2019
Halal products seen gaining traction while consumers in general are getting more brand promiscuous. Read More >>
The Business Times
Separating good science from folklore in traditional Chinese medicine.
The sale of products derived from endangered species such as powdered rhino horn is outlawed in China. Yet, these animals are still poached and sold for human consumption in the belief that, according to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), they can relieve a wide range of ailments and diseases. Read More >>
The Business Times
From Tough Mudders to Colour Runs: how Asian brands are gaining ground on competitors
Explosion of interest in alternative running events across the region gives companies a chance to reach more specific markets than traditional races. Read More >>
South China Morning Post
Singaporeans are crazy about Italian food. On TripAdvisor four of the top ten rated restaurants in Singapore are Italian, as is the top rated restaurant, Fratini La Trattoria. PastaMania, Singapore’s biggest pasta chain, has a busy restaurant in almost every mall. Read More >>
Singapore Business Review
Airport woes and how retailers can help
Singaporeans are fortunate. Despite being in the top 15 busiest airports in the world, Changi Airport is a shining example of efficiency, comfort, and style. But the same cannot be said for the majority of airports elsewhere in the world. Read More >>
Singapore Business Review
Mass-customised goods do have a future in Asia
MASS customisation as an industry has burgeoned in Western markets since the 1950s and is now estimated to be worth over US$150 billion per annum. Advancements in technology and the widespread use of the Internet are fuelling the growing consumer demand for personalised products, particularly across the West. Read More >>
The Business Times
Why our brains are drawn to F1 races
Singapore’s Formula 1 Grand Prix race is here again. Fast cars, hot chicks — is there a better recipe for fun? But have you ever wondered what’s behind our love affair with these adrenaline-fuelled sporting events? The secret, it seems, lies deep within the human brain, and neuroscientists believe they have an answer. Read More >>
Opportunities in multisensory marketing.
Understanding the science behind how the senses interact with one another enables marketers to effect positive sensory fusions that improve brand attention and attraction to consumers. Read More >>
How neuromarketing can unlock cross-cultural understanding.
Asia is fast becoming the centre of gravity for big consumer brands. By 2016, Asia will account for a quarter of the consumer goods market and 40% of total consumer growth. In the bid to dominate and maintain market share, brands compete ferociously to attract and maintain the rising tide of … Read More >>
Green Futures Magazine, Forum for the Future
Why we eat, what we eat, and how can we control it?
The incidence of obesity and related diseases such as Type 2 diabetes, particularly amongst youth populations, is rising at an alarming rate. But who or what is to blame for this modern epidemic? Neuroscientists believe that the answer lies deep within our subconscious mind … Read More >>
Food Matters Live
The Cyber Age of Moodvertising
Academics at the University of Lincoln in the United Kingdom have unveiled a fascinating project. They’ve created what’s being called a “social media garden”. The mood-modulated garden project, a collaboration between computer scientists and artists and controlled by crowd averaged Twitter responses, is being used to explore… Read More >>
Don’t think – Creativity works better that way
Neuroscience is now beginning to shed some light on the elusive nature of human creativity. Once considered the ultimate reward for intensive and conscious deliberation over an unsolved problem, the results of recent brain imaging experiments are beginning to paint a rather different picture of what drives creative thinking… Read More >>
What causes Singapore companies to lose staff and sales?
Visitors to Singapore can be under no illusion that this is one of the most efficient service-based economies in the world. The Singapore Government’s investment into the service sector has helped ensure that the very highest standards of efficiency and customer service are encountered at every stage of the tourist’s journey. Read More >>
Singapore Business Review
To the uninitiated, it is widely assumed that running a business, pleasing consumers, and managing people are straightforward tasks. Hey there is plenty of evidence suggesting that businesses are not doing anything as well as we might suppose. In any given decade since the 1970’d, half of the fortune 500 companies disappear, and current market research figures estimate… Read More >>
Orient Magazine
Don’t think – Creativity works better that way
Never before have consumers been faced with so many choices. From the supermarket to high street fashion houses, the sheer volume of new products and brands is enough to overwhelm even the most experienced shopper. In this cluttered environment, manufacturers have to work even harder… Read More >>
Innovation Magazine